Emailed Mike Hilborn regarding finalizing convention schedule
Emailed Andy Mann at the Ramada East Airport Hotel re: lunch menus for convention
Revised the June PWNA Board of Directors’ Minutes and emailed to Mike Hilborn
Received email from Stephen Ellis of E. Luke Greene Company including insurance and website listing form
Emailed Stephen Ellis of E. Luke Greene Company for an updated insurance policy
Added company listing onto the PWNA website for E. Luke Greene Company
Emailed Mike Hilborn language for postcard mailing
Emailed with Wendy Vincent re: meeting room setup for PWNA face-to-face meeting
Sent Daryl Mirza the list of new KEC students from RAHSCO to call and welcome to the PWNA
Pressure Washing Institute Bulletin Board posting
GrimeScene Bulletin Board posting
Facebook postings
Daily blog
Flat Work Committee Conference Call
Paid invoices
Mailed out refund to RAHSCO for duplicate payments