Emailed James Gordon and Paul Horsley for their contact info for Flat Work Committee
Emailed Logan Brady of Carolina Pro’s re: receiving membership application and needing payment to complete membership application
Emailed the Board of Director’s the June Board of Directors’ Minutes
Sent follow up email to Daryl Mirza re: calling new KEC students
Emailed Dan at Sign-A-Rama re: the Water Reclaimer sign being blurry
Entered invoice for Sign-A-Rama
Emailed Dave Meyer at Bizzyweb re: getting a speaker for Social Media and Search Engine Optimization at our convention
Emailed Henry Bockman re: Clean Across America documents
Updated Certificate of Insurance for Henry’s Housework, Inc.
Constant Contact Additions
Cleaner Times Additions
Emailed contact information to the Flat Work Committee
Spoke with Pam Morrison of Napoli’s Restaurant re: sponsored lunch menu for convention
Registered all PWNA boot camp registrants for the Tampa Round table on the National Cleaning Expo website
Emailed Jake Clark for a high quality logo for convention website page. Also attached the vendor registration form that needs to be completed
Emailed Mike Hilborn questions on convention pricing