Checked voicemail message from Jim Burgess re: PWNA shirts and sizes
Emailed Mike Hilborn Jeremy McMillan’s phone number
Emailed Mike Hilborn the 6 month Outlook template
Reviewed and edited the Clean Across America campaign and created two packets: One for the website (pledge forms, etc.), and one for companies that pledge.
Emailed Winston Glover of Caretaker Services the PWNA logo
Emailed Frank @ Studio Tidal the Water Reclaimer logo - need high quality logo for new banner
Emailed Mike Hilborn re: Management Liability Insurance renewal forms received by headquarters
Processed Renewal application for Squeaky Clean, Inc., mailed out an updated membership packet, and left message for Matthew Smith
Emailed Ron Musgrave’s for information on the Upcoming SunBrite Supply/NCE event in Charleston, SC
Completed draft of July Water Works Newsletter and emailed to Mike Hilborn for revising
Emailed Daryl Mirza contact information for Chris Gilbert of Firemaster who wanted to speak with someone re: memberships in KEC
Facebook/Twitter post
Pressure Washing Institute bulletin board posting
GrimeScene bulletin board posting
Daily activities blog