Scott's Pressure Wash
4747 68th Ave. S.E.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2C 4Z4
TOLL FREE: 888-320-9274

About Us: Clean and simple Business Images since 1964. Scotts Pressure Wash is the leading image management service in Western Canada. We work with image aware businesses to enhance their credibility and reputation.

Today, a clean business image is essential. For over 40 years, Scotts has been an industry leader by providing reliable and responsive service combined with experience and innovation. We maintain images that drive success.

Fleet Cleaning, Rail Car Cleaning, Building Washing, Store Front Cleaning, Strip Malls

Established in: 1964

Areas Served:
Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Moose Jaw, Alberta

Sales Contact: Paul Horsley

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Scotts Pressure Wash is a Member of
PWNA - The Power Washers of North America - The Industry Association for Power and Pressure Washing
The Power Washers of North America